How do we design training games?

How do we design training games?
By utilising training games during training sessions, we make sure that they are of the highest substantive quality. It is important to us that participants will not waste training time on tools that are useless and have small practical value. Because of that we use the following model in order to achieve the highest possible level of games:
1. Subject selection
We analyse which training session are the most difficult to participants and select the subject on this basis.
2. Setting goals
We conduct broad consultations with customers from various industries, as well as practitioners and trainers.
On this base we create a list of expectations concerning the designed game and ask questions that help define the goal, e.g. Should the game show the progression of the whole project or only a part of it? Should the game contain one point of view or show the progress of project from bird’s eye view?
3. Creating the list of behaviours for good and bad player
We define what a good player should and shouldn’t do (in the game it can be the Project Manager). This is the stage at which designers thoroughly familiarise with methodology, so that the game will reflect the project environment as best as it is possible.
4. Creating game’s mechanics
We invent way to reflect project reality and fulfil set goals in the game.
5. Tests and further work
Our tools are tested many times over by various testing groups. All of that is done to not disappoint participants of trainings.
During tests we use various working plots. Thanks to this we can also see how the plot influences the reception of the game by participants.
6. Selection of plot and hand over for graphic works
We select the plot of the game in such a way that it reflects the designed mechanisms the best way possible. Our illustrators commence their work.
7. Project closure
We draw, write a manual, and train trainers. We manufacture the games using the best materials available on the market. We include the game in trainings, so it will fit other modules as best as possible.