Why it is worth to use training games?

Why it is worth to use training games?
When thinking about learning, most of us first recalls schools and universities and the thought of people who teach makes teachers and lecturers, who pass the knowledge, appear before our eyes. On the basis of our educational experiences, we are accustomed to learning in one way: by acquiring a specific knowledge.

What is a competence?
Knowledge is not the only important thing during learning process. We use competences when we perform various tasks (not only professional). Making any action requires from us that we:
- Should know why and how to do it (know an instruction, cause, and possible consequences),
- Are able to perform it (what activities should be done),
- Should want to do it (conviction that doing such action has its benefits).
Training sessions based on a lecture provide the acquisition of knowledge. Training sessions with games (and other methods of teaching adult people) ensure the acquisition of skills and understanding why the acquired knowledge and skill can be useful.

How do people learn?
Each person acquires new competences by progressing through four phases of the Kolb cycle:
- Experience – when something happens, learning by performing actions;
- Observation – when a person thinks about what has just happened;
- Theory cration – when a person acquires knowledge on a given subject or creates its own concepts;
- Experimenting – planning the application or trying in “safe conditions” how the theory proves itself in practice in order to acquire another experience and start the cycle from the beginning.
Training sessions based on a lecture provide the acquisition of knowledge. Training sessions with games (and other methods of teaching adult people) ensure the acquisition of skills and understanding why the acquired knowledge and skill can be useful.